
Whereas an equaliser will boost or attenuate the amplitude of specific frequencies or ranges of audio a Filter will, generally, only cut and over a specified range.

We tend to use equalisation for tonal balance and to generally improve the signal’s frequency response. However, when it comes to dramatic changes to a signal we might opt for a dedicated Filter unit.

Most dedicated filter devices/plugins come with acres of control. Quite often the modulation matrix on a filter unit is housed with lots of modulation sources with each controlling different parts of the filter. Filter sweeps are common in all genres of music but the filter bank/unit can do so much more. Self oscillation comes to mind..

In this category I run you through some of the techniques I use to add life to a mix by using filters with extensive modulation.

Creative filtering for the sound designer and producer!


Using a Step Sequencer to control Filter Cut-Off and Resonance

Using a Step Sequencer to control Filter Cut-Off and Resonance screen shows the fabfilter micro filter plugin


Using a Step Sequencer as a Modulator to process both the Filter Cut-Off and the Resonance of a Filter processor to add spice and motion to a drum beat!
Duration: 7 mins

Using Modulation with a Single Band Filter - Soundtoys FilterFreak

Using Modulation with a Single Band Filter - Soundtoys FilterFreak screen shows soundtoys filterfreak plugin


Create Crazy Effects using a Modulator to process a Single Filter Band on a drum beat!
Duration: 6 mins

Using Modulation with a 2 Band Filter - FabFilter Simplon

Using Modulation with a 2 Band Filter - FabFilter Simplon screen shows the fabfilter simplon plugin


Creating Cross Modulation by using 2 band Filters in Series and in Parallel to process a drum beat. FabFilter Simplon shines in this tutorial.
Duration: 7 mins

Filters and Filtering - what are filters and how do they work

Using Modulation with a Single Band Filter - Soundtoys FilterFreak screen shows soundtoys filterfreak plugin


What is a Filter, how does it work, what are its functions and how to use it.
Duration: 4 mins

Using Modulators to add Dynamic Motion to Vocals

Using Modulators to add Dynamic Motion to Vocals screen showing waves metafilter plugin


Add dynamic motion to your vocal lines by modulating the volume of the vocal take within your DAW.
Duration: 12 mins

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